Summary of qualifications

Designing a range of curricula, school planners, educational materials and assessment tools to meet the diverse needs of students in various educational communities.

  • Good training to create opportunities, strategies and activities focused on the development of processes of self-reflection and self- directed learning.
  • English, Spanish teaching experience for 13 years with preschool to adult population.
  • Interdisciplinary and clear overview of my practice that allows me to carry out processes of reflection and structured language learning research.
  • Creating different kinds of projects to develop learning strategies with students to scaffold them to improve their L2 acquisition process.
  • Developing habits of self-directed and lifelong learning in my students using technological tools and self-reflection.
  • Intellectual disposal to design and implement pedagogical plans to improve learning.
  • Patient, good listener, creative, demanding, passionate, team worker.
  • High degree of commitment and strong sense of responsibility.
Adriana's Digital teaching Portfolio. by ADRIANA HELENA MUÑOZ MELO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
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