Academic competence

I aim to plan and design different strategies that favor the achievement of the learning standards of the relevant foreign language context that I face.

Curricular Domain 

I know the curriculum and establish connections articulating the Spanish and English language class with other areas.

Academic planning and organization

I establish and socialize in class rules, standards and consistent routines together in the classroom, and consequences of student behavior.

Pedagogic and Didactic

I contribute to the definition of the curriculum, sharing my experiences with colleagues and produce new materials based on meaningful learning and the theory of multiple intelligences Gardner.

Learning assessment

It is made known to the students methodology, evaluation and learning mechanisms, the dates being evaluated and projects are delivered. Students who need support in the process are detected, and are given an improvement plan and new opportunities for evaluation. Self-assessment, peer assessment and hetero is performed.

Adriana's Digital teaching Portfolio. by ADRIANA HELENA MUÑOZ MELO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
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