About me

So often the kids you’re trying to inspire are the ones who end up inspiring you. Sean Junkins

I was born in Bogotá - Colombia. When I was in eleventh grade at school in 2001 I began to work as an entertainer and I really liked to play and work with children. There, I fell in love being a teacher.

After studying 12 semesters at night and working by day I got a bachelor degree in Basic Education with emphasis in Spanish Language and English from Incca University in 2008.

I started working as teacher since 2005 in a private school. Then, I had the opportunity to know the public schools context with my teaching practices from university. Since 2005 I have had the chance to work with preschool children, teenagers and adults, teaching English and Spanish.  

Then, I began to work as English and Spanish teacher with the Secretaría de Educación de Bogotá, in a public school. During my experience working in a public school I was selected by the British Council and ICETEX to get a scholarship to be Spanish language assistant for an academic year 2016/2017 in UK where I got professional, personal and spiritual enrichment.  

I was selected to work in Omagh Academy Grammar School in Northern Ireland (UK), and I could have the experience of teaching Spanish to adult students in the South west College as substitute teacher. I also had the experience of teaching Salsa lessons to students from Gibson School and Saint Mary's School.

In 2018, after getting my master degree as Master in English Teaching for Self-Directed learning from La Sabana University, and a Diploma in TESOL from Anahaim University, I participated with a teaching-learning project to get a scholarship with Fulbright USA, my project was selected and I had the opportunity to live the university experience in USA, at University of California, Davis, (USA). I got my certification in TEFL Fulbright program.

Currently I work as English and Spanish teacher in Bogotá with high school students. Since I am Patient, good listener, creative, demanding, passionate, team worker therefore, I've got a high degree of commitment and strong sense of responsibility, to offer a high quality teaching service to my students. All above have given me the experience to work for 13 years as Spanish and English teacher improving and evolving as technology does. 

See more about my teaching practices

Adriana's Digital teaching Portfolio. by ADRIANA HELENA MUÑOZ MELO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
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